Inclusion and SEND
Our committed and caring SEND team work to ensure that all pupils can enjoy ownership of their progress. Our aim is that every pupil can be a confident, independent learner.
The school follows the Department for Education’s Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We are registered as an Achievement For All school and strive to ensure that no child is left behind. This includes:
- Our SEND Learning Centre provides pupils with the opportunity to boost their confidence and enhance their progress.
- Our personalised learning programmes are used to target pupils that need additional support in order to achieve their very best.
- Our Catch-up Literacy and Numeracy sessions provide one-to-one sessions, and we use The Dockside Reading and Rapid Plus Reading programmes with small reading groups.
- Pupils also benefit from TITAN (Travel Independence Training Across the Norfolk).
- The Thrive Approach is delivered with 1:1 and small group sessions and personalised for each individual pupil.
SENCo: Mrs S Baker [email protected]
Assistant SENCo: Mrs J Harwood
Assistant SENCo: Mrs Y Easter