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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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Staff List

Senior Leadership Team

Mr A Lewis - Headteacher

Mrs C Gallant - Deputy Headteacher

Mr T Stafford - Assistant Headteacher - Academic Performance

Mr B Kingsbury - Assistant Headteacher - Quality of Education

Mr J Cannon - Assistant Headteacher - Behaviour & Attitudes

Pupil Development Team

Ms S McGregor - Head of Year 7 and Transition Co-ordinator

Mrs C Wall - Head of Year 8 and 9

Mrs L Davies - Head of Year 10 & 11

Mrs T Drewett - Wellbeing Co-ordinator

Miss B Groves - Wellbeing Co-ordinator

Mr C Blair - Pastoral Support 

Mathematics Department

Mr P Worrall - Head of Mathematics

Mrs M Soobaroyen - Teacher of Mathematics

Mrs F Nicholls - Teacher of Mathematics

Mrs K Brand - Teacher of Mathematics

Mrs H Davies - Teacher of Mathematics

English Department

Mrs L Larkin- Head of English

Mrs K Gardiner - Teacher of English

Mrs F Pauley - Teacher of English

Mr E Hutson - Teacher of English

Mrs S Watson - Teacher of English

Miss S Rainbird - Teacher of English

Science Department

Mr R Moore - Head of Science

Mr D Morter - Teacher of Science

Mrs C Riches - Teacher of Science

Miss E Rodger - Teacher of Science

Miss S Nhamo - Teacher of Science

Mr O Wardrop - Teacher of Science

Mrs C Hope - Senior Science Technician

Mrs S Ward - Senior Science Technician

MFL Department

Miss L Crane - Head of MFL

Mrs J Sale - Teacher of MFL

Mrs H Hacon - Teacher of MFL

Technology Department

Mr R Tait - Head of Technology

Mrs S Backhouse - Teacher of Food Technology

Miss D Payton - Teacher of Technology

Mr G Roberts - Senior Technology Assistant

Mrs K Wilby - Technology Technician

Humanities Department

Mrs K Melia - Head of History and RE

Mrs S Nugent - Head of Geography

Miss R Cubbit - Teacher of Geography

Miss D Copeman - Teacher of Humanities

Mrs S Baker - Teacher of Humanities

Mrs J Wood - Teacher of Humanities

Mr K Hagan - Teacher of Humanities

Business and Computing Department

Mr S Soobaroyen - Head of Business and Computing

Mr S Oxford - Teacher of ICT

The Arts Department

Mrs L Hibbert - Head of Music & Drama

Mrs H Browne - Head of Art

Mr L Kemp - Teacher of Drama

Mr S Stuart - Teacher of Art

PE Department

Mrs S Wood - Head of PE

Mr J Davies - Teacher of PE

Mr J Pegg - Teacher of PE

SEN Department

Mrs S Baker - SenCo

Mrs J Harwood - Assistant SenCo

Mrs Y Easter - Assistant SenCo

Mrs P Armes - Learning Support Assistant

Mrs T Drewett - Learning Support Assistant

Miss S Mayes - Learning Support Assistant

Mrs T Waller - Learning Support Assistant

Office and Admin

Mrs W Barnes - Personal Assistant to Headteacher

Mrs C Reeve - Data & Cover Manager

Mrs W Long - Attendance Officer

Mrs J Harwood - Exams Manager

Mrs C. Daniels - Executive Lead for Pupil Premium

Mrs L Foulds - Pupil Premium Support

Mrs H Warner - Receptionist

Mrs P Armes - Admin Assistant

Mrs J Hodder - Pupil Services & First Aid

Miss S Hills - Pupil Services & First Aid

Mrs E Quinton - Attendance Support

Cover Department

Mr M Britten-Jones - Cover Supervisor

Mrs S. Dodd - Cover Supervisor

Mrs C Page - Cover Supervisor

Mrs A Blair - Cover Supervisor


Mr M Hodder - Caretaker

Mr B Callaghan - Caretaker

Mr K Cole - Site Manager

Mrs L Bush – Cleaning Supervisor

Mrs T Jones – Cleaner

Mrs A Cranswick - Cleaner

Mrs M McCabe – Cleaner

Mr J Aldous – Cleaner

Mrs H Gilding – Cleaner

Miss E Hawes – MSA

Mrs S High – MSA

Ms R Parry – MSA

Mrs N White - Chef Manager

Miss S Hughes - Catering assistant

Mrs C Hartill - Catering Assistant

Mrs C Brown - Catering Assistant

Ms C Wong - Catering Assistant