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Science Curriculum

Science study at Long Stratton High School aims to prepare students for the ever-changing scientific and highly technological world in which we live.

At all levels, pupils are encouraged to reflect on the wonder of the natural world and to have a greater awareness of the ways in which Science can impact on both our local and global environments. Pupils contribute to discussions about the moral dilemmas which can result from scientific advancement and consider how some opinions are influenced by different spiritual and cultural traditions.

Pupils are challenged to take greater responsibility and independence for their learning and develop their thinking, literacy and numeracy skills in a scientific context.

More importantly, we strive to develop a curiosity in science which extends beyond the classroom and will hopefully be maintained throughout life!

At Key Stage 3, our curriculum has been developed which implements the National Curriculum across Biology, Physics and Chemistry study for science. The Activate Scheme of work also provides pupils with a platform to support their progress with clear steps to secure and extend learning. Frequent practical work stimulates and maintains their interest.

Pupils start their GCSE course in Year 9 helping to embed the increased content required for their final exams in Year 11. At the end of Year 9, pupils will have the chance to follow one of two routes in years 10 and 11.

AQA Triple Science

Triple Science gives pupils the opportunity to gain separate GCSEs in all three Sciences. The course is linear with all exams being taken at the end of Year 11. Pupils achieve 3 GCSE qualifications on the 9-1 scale.

AQA Combined Science (Trilogy).

All pupils who are not doing separate Sciences will take this qualification. The course includes a range of topics across the fields of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The course is linear, and all exams are taken at the end of Year 11.

There is no coursework element in either Triple or Combined science courses, with class required practical content being examined within the final papers. Pupils will achieve two GCSE qualifications in Combined Science on the 9-1 scale.