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Throughout your time at Long Stratton High School, you will be set weekly homework. Homework is a vital part of your education. Research has repeatedly shown that students who do homework regularly throughout their educational career are more successful in exams and are more likely to have lifelong knowledge that will stay with them in their future lives. It is essential that you complete your homework to the best of your ability so that you can achieve good grades and work towards your dream job.

Key Stage 3

In year 7, year 8 and year 9, you will be set mastery homework in your subjects. Each subject produces a knowledge organiser. This knowledge organiser contains the most important knowledge that we want you to remember. This knowledge will keep occurring in your study of your subjects. The more effort you put into learning this knowledge, the more you will know.

At the start of each term, you will be given a knowledge booklet by your form tutor. This booklet contains all your knowledge organisers for that term. You must keep the booklet safe as you will need to pay to replace it if you lose it.

Your homework is to quiz yourself on the knowledge within your knowledge organiser each week. Your teacher will guide you each week on which sections to revise from and will test you in your lessons.

You will be set homework that follows this schedule:

Week One

Week Two

















You will also be given a homework exercise book. You must produce a minimum of a half page of A4 for each homework in your homework exercise book. This will demonstrate to your teacher that you have worked hard to revise the terms from your knowledge organiser.

How do I revise using a knowledge organiser?

Key Stage 4

Your teacher will set you weekly tasks, which will be appropriate for the different subjects that you study. On top of your homework, you will need to revise key content using knowledge organisers and revision guides.

It is not good to revise by rereading, highlighting or watching revision videos. You need to be active when you revise. If you do watch videos, you should make notes and test yourself on the notes afterwards.

Here are two great strategies for revision:

  1. Look, cover, write, check. Watch the videos above for guidance on how to use your knowledge organiser.
  2. Self-quizzing using flashcards. Watch these videos below for guidance on how to create and use flashcards to help you revise.

How do I create flashcards?

How do I use flashcards?