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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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English Curriculum

Our aim is to inspire reflective readers, skilled writers, confident speakers and creative thinkers. We work as a team to plan schemes of learning that are stimulating and enjoyable, giving our pupils a wide range of writing challenges and a broad literary diet (ranging from Chaucer to Contemporary Poetry). Our lessons frequently incorporate thoughtful discussions of socio-historical, cultural and moral issues at stake at the heart of each literary text we study, with the aim of understanding how texts have shaped society and how society has shaped texts. Pupils can enhance their learning through the use of our ICT facilities, our purpose-built Drama studio and our school library. We have a clear focus on the development of pupils’ literacy skills as well as their higher order thinking skills, which will enable them to create insightful and well-crafted pieces of writing. Also, at the heart of what we do is the development of pupils’ oracy skills, which underpin literacy and language acquisition and enables them to articulate ideas eloquently, whilst simultaneously supporting wellbeing and confidence both in and beyond school.