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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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Maths Curriculum

Our aim is to make each student a competent and confident mathematician, able to take the next step in their life.

Mathematics is the key to working in Science, Health, Economics, Computing and Banking. The thinking skills learned in mathematics are applicable to Law, Politics and Philosophy. The practical skills of balancing budgets, for home or for work, of running a business and costing a new kitchen are learnt in part in the mathematics classroom.

At Key Stage 4, the maths curriculum is the same across all exam boards, the style of the exams however does vary.  For Maths at LSHS we use Edexcel as our exam board as this is the exam board we feel will give our pupils the best chance to demonstrate their abilities in maths. The GCSE is examined by three ninety-minute papers, the first of which is non-calculator. Any topic can appear on any paper.

All pupils will be given homework each week which is to be completed online using Sparx Maths. Sparx Maths will create bespoke homework for everyone following the topics in our schemes of work. The homework set will be time based rather than a fixed number of questions. The aim of these homework’s is to ensure pupils have mastered the course content and are ready to answer the multi-step problem solving questions which feature heavily in the new 9-1 GCSE.

Our programmes of study follow the statutory guidance for the National Curriculum in England.

Practice your tables or numeracy via Maths Chase