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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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The aim of our curriculum is more than just exam success. It is to provide life-long knowledge and skills that pupils will remember and use for the rest of their lives. We teach a knowledge-rich curriculum so that pupils of all backgrounds gain the cultural capital that is their entitlement. In doing so, we develop the whole child, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.

This is why we retain a three year Key Stage Three, giving years 7-9 the time to enjoy a wide breadth of subjects. They develop as artists, designers and performers, as linguists, geographers and historians, as scientists and as athletes. The emphasis we place on English and Maths supports this goal, because we value literacy and numeracy as vital skills that underpin all learning. Our view is that a challenging and aspirational Key Stage Three curriculum is the best preparation for Key Stage Four, when pupils begin their two-year GCSE courses and begin to specialise in their own areas of strength and interest.

Our curriculum is designed so that assessment is meaningful. Teachers teach responsively, acting upon the mistakes and misconceptions that arise in the moment, as the learning takes place. Where re-teaching is required, teachers teach whole-class feedback activities, which help all pupils learn from their mistakes and re-practise the knowledge and skills in their subjects. Routine class quizzes help pupils to master their subjects and mastery homework is used to help pupils commit their learning to long term memory.

We make every lesson count, so that each child may fulfil our vision of excellence, personal growth and achievement for all.

Please find here a link to the school’s curriculum overview:

Curriculum Overview