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Art Curriculum

Key Stage 3 Overview

Our art curriculum at Key Stage 3 teaches pupils the fundamental art skills and knowledge to equip them to create, invent and experiment with their own works of art, craft and design. In a supportive and inclusive environment, pupils are encouraged to be inquisitive and curious about the visual world they live in. The foundation of art knowledge such as the formal elements, composition, perspective and design are at the core of the curriculum.

Pupils are taught a wide range of techniques and media within a broad range of challenging projects. They will record their ideas, observations and experimentations and develop critical thinking skills. Pupils will also learn about the history of art and design and the importance of how artists and craft makers have contributed to creative and cultural industries that enhance our lives. Pupils will evaluate, analyse and think critically about their own work and the work of others, these skills will help them to become the artists of the future.

Key Stage 4 Overview

Pupils at Key Stage 4 will continue to develop a range of skills and techniques that will enable them to become proficient at experimenting with ideas. Building on from their prior knowledge, GCSE pupils are encouraged to develop and investigate a range of artists that they are inspired by. They are supported in the creative process to develop as effective independent learners as they respond to coursework themes as part of their GCSE personal portfolio.

Extra Curricula

Key Stage 3 pupils have the opportunity to attend a lunch time art club which pupils work on a variety of mini projects and art competitions.

Key Stage 4 pupils have the opportunity to visit the Cambridge Botanical Gardens and London galleries, such as the Tate Modern or National Portrait Gallery. In addition to this, GCSE art students can attend an after-school session to support their personal portfolio.