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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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Please find below key dates for the 2024/25 academic year:

Term 1
Wednesday 4th September:             Term starts for Year 7
Friday 6th September:                Term starts for Years 8-11
Thursday 3rd October:                Post-16 Futures Evening (Year 11)
Wednesday 23rd October:              Term ends
Term 2
Monday 4th November:                 Term starts
Friday 22nd November:                Year 7-11 autumn reports sent home
Thursday 28th November:              Year 10 Parents’ Evening
Monday 2nd – Friday 13th December:   Year 11 mock examinations (Series 1)
Friday 20th December:                Term ends
Term 3
Tuesday 7th January:                 Term starts
Friday 17th January:                 Year 11 spring reports sent home
Thursday 30th January:               Year 11 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 13th February:              Year 9 GCSE Information (Options) Evening
Friday 14th February:                Year 9 and 10 spring reports sent home
Friday 14th February:                Term ends
Term 4
Monday 24th February:                Term starts
Thursday 27th February:              Year 9 Parents’ Evening
Monday 3rd – Friday 7th March:       Year 11 mock examinations (Series 2)
Friday 7th March:                    Year 7 and 8 spring reports sent home
Thursday 27th March:                 Year 7 Parents’ Evening
Friday 4th April:                Year 11 summer reports sent home
Friday 4th April:                    Term ends
Term 5
Wednesday 23rd April:                  Term starts
Thursday 1st May:                    Year 8 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 8th May – Wednesday 18th June: Year 11 GCSE examinations
Friday 23rd May:                     Term ends
Term 6
Monday 2nd June:                     Term starts
Friday 27th June:                    Year 8 and 9 summer reports sent home
Monday 30th June – Friday 11th July: Year 10 mock examinations
Monday 7th – Friday 11th July:       Enrichment Week
Friday 11th July:                    Year 7 summer reports sent home
Monday 21st July:                    Sports Day
Wednesday 23rd July:                 Year 10 summer reports sent home
Wednesday 23rd July:                 Term ends