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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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Uniform requirements are set out in the schools Behaviour Policy.

Pupils are required to wear:

  • Either black skirt, shorts or black trousers. Please note: skirts and shorts can only be purchased from our uniform supplier (Stevensons at 67 Ber Street, Norwich, NR1 3AD) as they require the school logo and must be a suitable length. Black trousers – smart and tailored (not skinny fit, jeans, leggings, jeggings, or combat). Belts can be worn provided they are discreate, not fashion belts and they fit inside the belt loops
  • Smart white collared shirt
  • School tie (maroon with silver stripes) (only available from our uniform supplier)
  • Black blazer with LSHS logo from our uniform supplier (only available from our uniform supplier)
  • Optional grey cardigan or jumper of plain design (not PE tops nor hoodies nor sweatshirts)
  • Tights should be plain black, dark grey or a natural colour
  • Socks should be plain black
  • Sensible black leather or leather-look shoes – trainers are not allowed
  • Outdoor coats must not be worn in the school or classrooms
  • Hoodies of any description are not allowed
  • Outdoor headwear is not allowed to be worn inside the school buildings

We have a pre-loved uniform shop, which you can access via this link, or by scanning this QR code: https://app.uniformd.co.uk/items/long-stratton-high-school

Physical Education Wear:

  • LSHS PE top with school logo (only available from our uniform supplier)
  • Plain black or LSHS sweatshirt with the school logo (optional) (only available from our uniform supplier)
  • A pair of long plain black shorts (soccer/hockey style)
  • Sports socks
  • Trainers with non-marking soles and studded boots for the 3G pitch (not blades or flat-bottomed trainers)
  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms are an optional extra for sports activities
  • Long hair must be tied up neatly and securely
  • All jewellery must be removed during PE

Protective clothing

All pupils need to wear protective clothing for DT and a suitable apron can be purchased from our uniform supplier.


The wearing of jewellery in school is considered a health and safety risk.  A single, plain stud in either or each ear is acceptable. Ear spacers, spikes and stretchers are not allowed. No hoops or dangling earrings are allowed. No body, nose, mouth or facial piercing are allowed. Badges that have been awarded by the school may be worn, but other badges are not allowed. A religious symbol (for example a crucifix) is allowed but other types of jewellery, including rings, are not allowed.   If a pupil is wearing or has brought into school items that are not allowed, they must be removed and will be confiscated. 


Pupils in Years 10 and 11 are allowed to use a minimal amount of subtle make-up.  Long or false nails are not allowed. Nail varnish is not allowed.  Pupils will be asked to remove excess make-up, nail varnish and false nails in school. 

Hair Styles

Pupils should have their hair arranged in a smart, tidy manner which conforms to health and safety considerations. 

Other Information

Lost property will be reduced if garments are marked with pupils’ names. The school recognises the diversity of its students and its obligation to equal opportunities.   Any items worn or brought into school that do not conform to the school’s uniform will be confiscated. If parents have specific concerns about uniform, please contact the Headteacher. 

If uniform does not meet expectations, a pupil can be kept in isolation until the situation is resolved.