Welcome toLong Stratton High School
I am extremely proud to welcome you to Long Stratton High School, a school at the very heart of our local community.
Our vision is to be a community that develops personal growth, excellence and achievement for all and we truly believe that all students will reach our two end goals of getting their dream job and becoming a model citizen.
Our students are kind, happy and highly motivated to succeed and we want our alumni to aspire to greatness and dream big but always remain humble, giving back to our local community.
Excellent teaching and the strongest relationships are the foundation stones of our school and staff have the highest expectations of all our students. There are no limits to what they can achieve when we all (students, staff and families) work in collaboration.
Mr Lewis (Headteacher)
School leaders work effectively with parents and this is leading to a growing confidence on the part of students. This is helping to improve achievement and attainment in some cases.
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School leaders work effectively with the local authority in ensuring that looked after children are well cared for.
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Leaders manage transition from primary school well. They visit primary schools to gain a good understanding of the starting points of students joining the school.